Return Policy

We want you to be happy with your purchase, but since we are not able to resell any products after they have been shipped, we only except returns or exchanges for products that are misprinted, damaged or defective. Those items must be reported to us within 30 days after delivery. To contact us, please contact us at animalpetitions [at] forcechange [dot] com. We most likely will ask for pictures of your product’s issue to help.

For packages lost in transit, all claims must be submitted no later than 30 days after the estimated delivery date. Claims deemed an error on our part are covered at our expense.

Any items sent back to our manufacturer without prior approval are donated by them – so please don’t do it!

Reasons for Returns

Misprinted Items: The design does not look like what is represented on our site

Damaged or Defective Items: Your product is broken or damaged in any way

Lost in Transit: Your order never arrives, and you entered the correct shipping information on your order

Thank you for helping us support animal shelters in need!